The Classes
The course consists of five one hour classes which run over five consecutive weeks,
each week focusing on massaging a different part of the body. My classes are small, friendly, relaxed and baby led, so if you need to feed or change your baby then you can feel free to do so. During the course you will enjoy spending quality time with your baby and will have the confidence and knowledge to apply what you have learnt in class in the comfort of your own home, perhaps incorporating it into your daily routine.
You will be supplied with a bottle of organic baby massage oil, waterproof mat and a handout detailing the different strokes covered in each weekly class for you to take home. All you need is to provide a towel for your baby to lie on.
I provide refreshments at the end of each lesson so you can feel free to help yourself and chat to other mums if you wish. The cost of the five week course is £45.
Private Classes
I offer private classes where I will come to your home and teach you and some friends baby massage. The minimum amount of people I will teach in a private class is three and maximum is five people and the host will get the course free of charge, the cost for the other participants is £45 per person for the five week course
One to One classes
I offer one to one classes where I will come to your home and teach baby massage to you and your baby. The cost of the course is £45 although if we manage to fit the massage into four weeks then the cost will be £40.