Frequently asked questions 

At what age can I start to massage my baby? 

Baby massage is from birth and the effects can last forever, to get the most enjoyment from attending a class the best time is from six weeks until babies start to crawl. 

What type of oil can I use to massage my baby? 

A scent free organic vegetable oil, one example of a readily and acceptable oil is sunflower oil. The reason that we use sunflower oil is that it doesn’t smell of anything, it is a light oil and doesn’t sit on the skin for a long period of time, so by the end of the session the oil should of dried into baby’s skin. Also it is very unusual for a baby to have a reaction to it and if it accidentally goes near baby’s mouth it doesn’t taste of anything. I provide a 50 ml bottle of organic massage oil for each person to use on their baby and to take home with them.

What if my baby cries or needs a feed or nappy change during the class? 

My sessions are baby led which means there are no pressures to keep your little one quiet or ignore his or her needs. There is plenty of time for practice during the course, so if your baby falls asleep you can still stay on and watch the massage being performed and then practice at home as hand outs are given at each class. 

How is the course structured? 

Each week you will learn to massage a different area of the body and a hand out of that particular area will be given out for you to take home and bring back to class, although I always have spare copies on me . Also each week the previous parts of the body that we have learnt to massage will be reviewed again. 

What do you supply and what do I need to bring with me? 

I provide the baby mat, fresh towel each week, oil for you to take home and bring to class and hand outs of the strokes. Also refreshments are provided for the last part of the class, if you wish to grab a tea or coffee before you leave or chat with other parents. 

What if my baby recently had an immunisation? 

If your child has recently been immunised, then it is advised that they should not be massaged for at least 48 hours after. 

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